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Intro to Medplum Agent


The Medplum Agent is currently in "alpha", and not ready for production use.

Please contact Medplum if you would like to learn more or get involved.

The Medplum Agent is an application that runs inside your firewall and connects to devices over low level protocols such as HL7/MLLP, ASTM, and DICOM. These network protocols are commonly unencrypted, and therefore require an adapter to a secure transport. The Medplum Agent uses secure HTTPS WebSocket channels to stream messages between devices and a Medplum server cluster in the cloud.

How it works

The Medplum Agent runs in your local network and connects to devices over low level protocols:

Medplum Agent Overview

The Medplum Agent securely connects to Medplum servers running in the cloud using HTTPS and WebSockets:

Medplum Agent Connection Diagram





See also